Transparent Hands is a nonprofit charitable organization that was established with the vision to make health care accessible to marginalized and disadvantaged communities. It was founded in 2014 and has provided free surgical and medical treatments, including major surgeries and chemotherapies, to tens of thousands of patients. The organization also holds medical camps in remote
areas of Pakistan to provide free consultations, medicines, awareness sessions, and diagnostic tests to deserving patients.

Transparent Hands has changed and improved the lives of thousands of patients and their families. Patients who were sole breadwinners for the family have gotten their lives back thanks to the timely help by the organization. All the success stories are available on the websites.

The organization does not accept cash donations to ensure transparency. The details of each case are available on the website. You can read patient stories to make an informed decision while donating.

A PKR Zakat calculator is also available on the website to make it easy for you to give Zakat online. In addition, you can also easily see which patients are eligible for Zakat.

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